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All Top Tier Réunion Football Clubs

Season:    [ Supporter: " title="Réunion club details are maintained by this supporter">Marc Asmode ]
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 Number of Réunion football clubs documented for this season: 20 (You can only see the top 14 clubs)

For the selected season, this site documents and maps all "top tier" Réunion football clubs in Level 1 of the Réunion football league system: Réunion Premier League.
Note that we do NOT cover reserve teams.
 Show only the clubs which are newly promoted/relegated this season   OR
 Showing the top league clubs (14 clubs)

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    Avirons                       Be the first to add your memories and photographs to the Avirons photolog  Go to map showing the location of Avirons's stadium    
    Crest for Avirons is needed    
Founded: 1957
Stadium: Stade Paulo Brabant
Stadium Address: Rue du Stade, Les Avirons 97425
League:  Réunion Premier League
    Excelsior                       Be the first to add your memories and photographs to the Excelsior photolog  Go to map showing the location of Excelsior's stadium    
    Excelsior crest    
Web site:
Founded: 1940
Stadium: Stade Raphaël Babet
Stadium Address: 3 Rue Juliette Dodu, Saint-Joseph 97480
League:  Réunion Premier League
    Jeanne d'Arc                       Be the first to add your memories and photographs to the Jeanne d'Arc photolog  Go to map showing the location of Jeanne d'Arc's stadium    
    Jeanne d'Arc crest    
Founded: 1927
Stadium: Stade Georges Lambrakis
Stadium Address: 21 Avenue Raymond Mondon, Le Port 97420
League:  Réunion Premier League
    La Capricorne                       Be the first to add your memories and photographs to the La Capricorne photolog  Go to map showing the location of La Capricorne's stadium    
    La Capricorne crest    
Stadium: Stade Joffre Labenne
Stadium Address: Chemin Calogine, Ravine des Cabris 97432
League:  Réunion Premier League
    La Gauloise                       Be the first to add your memories and photographs to the La Gauloise photolog  Go to map showing the location of La Gauloise's stadium    
    Crest for La Gauloise is needed    
Founded: 1952
Stadium: Complexe Sportif Paul Moreau
Stadium Address: 2 Rue Bras-Panon, Bras-Panon 97412
League:  Réunion Premier League
    Marsouins                       Be the first to add your memories and photographs to the Marsouins photolog  Go to map showing the location of Marsouins's stadium    
    Marsouins crest    
Founded: 1955
Stadium: Stade du Centre-Ville
Stadium Address: Rue Haute, Saint-Leu 97436
League:  Réunion Premier League
    Rivière Sports                       Be the first to add your memories and photographs to the Rivière Sports photolog  Go to map showing the location of Rivière Sports's stadium    
    Rivière Sports crest    
Stadium: Stade Ludovic Viadère
Stadium Address: 22 Pente Nicole, Saint-Louis 97421
League:  Réunion Premier League
    Saint-Denis                       Be the first to add your memories and photographs to the Saint-Denis photolog  Go to map showing the location of Saint-Denis's stadium    
    Saint-Denis crest    
Founded: 2003
Stadium: Stade de la Redoute
Stadium Address: Avenue Piton de la Fournaise, Saint-Denis 97400
League:  Réunion Premier League
    Saint-Pauloise                       Be the first to add your memories and photographs to the Saint-Pauloise photolog  Go to map showing the location of Saint-Pauloise's stadium    
    Saint-Pauloise crest    
Stadium: Stade Paul Julius Bénard
Stadium Address: Avenue du Stade, Saint-Paul 97460
League:  Réunion Premier League  Saint-Pauloise was promoted at the end of last season
    Saint-Pierroise                       Be the first to add your memories and photographs to the Saint-Pierroise photolog  Go to map showing the location of Saint-Pierroise's stadium    
    Saint-Pierroise crest    
Founded: 1956
Stadium: Stade Michel Volnay
Stadium Address: 20 Rue de la Cayaenne, Saint-Pierre 97410
League:  Réunion Premier League
    Sainte-Marienne                       Be the first to add your memories and photographs to the Sainte-Marienne photolog  Go to map showing the location of Sainte-Marienne's stadium    
    Sainte-Marienne crest    
Stadium: Stade Nelson Mandela
Stadium Address: Sainte-Marie 97438
League:  Réunion Premier League
    Stade Tamponnaise                       Be the first to add your memories and photographs to the Stade Tamponnaise photolog  Go to map showing the location of Stade Tamponnaise's stadium    
    Stade Tamponnaise crest    
Web site:
Founded: 1982
Stadium: Stade Klébert Picard
Stadium Address: 57 Rue Roland Garros, Le Tampon 97430
League:  Réunion Premier League Stade Tamponnaise is winner of Réunion Premier League
    Terre-Sainte                       Be the first to add your memories and photographs to the Terre-Sainte photolog  Go to map showing the location of Terre-Sainte's stadium    
    Crest for Terre-Sainte is needed    
Stadium: Stade Michel Volnay
Stadium Address: 20 Rue de la Cayaenne, Saint-Pierre 97410
League:  Réunion Premier League  Terre-Sainte was promoted at the end of last season
    Trois-Bassins                       Be the first to add your memories and photographs to the Trois-Bassins photolog  Go to map showing the location of Trois-Bassins's stadium    
    Crest for Trois-Bassins is needed    
Stadium: Stade Serge Saint Alme
Stadium Address: Rue du Stade, Trois-Bassins 97426
League:  Réunion Premier League