What are campaigns, you ask? We want to grow this web site. Something fun we've thought of is to start a couple contests where members can help us grow, and in turn we will extend free memberships to the folks who contribute the most. We like to be able to offer multiple opportunities to members to extend their memberships, and this is part of that effort. Below are the campaigns we are running. If you have any questions about any of them, please contact us.
Refer a friend
Prior reward period: From 16-Nov-2008 02:00:00 GMT to 01-Mar-2009 02:00:00 GMT. This contest has ended.
This contest ended on 01-Mar-2009 02:00:00 GMT. The top 3 active members with the most referrals will earn free extensions to their memberships. The first place member will get a 1 year extension, the second place member will get a 6 month extension, and the third place member will get a 3 month extension.
To get credit for referrals, you can use our Tell Others page to refer your friends. Also, if you'd like to send out emails yourself, you can use this link in your email message: https://www.footiemap.com/signup.php?refer=username (If you are a member, replace the 'username' with your actual username).
Note that you do not get credit for referrals just by sending out sign up invitations. You only get credit if the people sign up and your username is in the "Did someone refer you to us?" field. Certainly if you believe there is a mixup or they didn't enter your username correctly, let us know.
Here are the final results, the top 2 members with the most referrals during this reward period: First place: Erlend (1 referral) Second place: Xiao (1 referral)
Photolog entry
Prior reward period: From 16-Nov-2008 02:00:00 GMT to 01-Mar-2009 02:00:00 GMT. This contest has ended.
This contest ended on 01-Mar-2009 02:00:00 GMT. The top 3 active members with the most Photolog entries will earn free extensions to their memberships. The first place member will get a 1 year extension, the second place member will get a 6 month extension, and the third place member will get a 3 month extension.
Here are the final results, the top 5 members with the most photolog entries during this reward period: First place: Jon (23 photolog entries) Second place: john holt (23 photolog entries) Third place: A J CAMPBELL (6 photolog entries) Fourth place: Arne Salvesen (1 photolog entry) Fifth place: Harvey Williams (1 photolog entry)
Rules and guidelines
These rules and guidelines govern both the "refer a friend" and "Photolog entry" campaigns. Have fun with these campaigns, but do not abuse them.
For the "refer a friend" campaign:
| | Do not sign up multiple times referring yourself. |
For the "Photolog entry" campaign:
| | You must not add anything offensive, irrelevant, or improper or copyrighted images. Your entries must be appropriate and actually useful. |
For both the "refer a friend" and "Photolog entry" campaigns:
| | On 01-Mar-2009 02:00:00 GMT, at this time members who are in the top 3 places and are about to be awarded their membership extension must be active members in good standing. |
| | Do not spam anyone in an attempt to gain referrals or Photolog entries. |
| | The use of automated tools to generate either sign ups or Photolog entries is prohibited. We have the ability to check for such activity on our server. You must manually add Photolog entries, and you cannot get others to help you add them to gain an unfair advantage. |
| | These campaigns are independent contests. If a member is in the top 3 places of both, they receive both extensions. |
| | For each of the top 3 places there is a minimum requirement of 10 referrals/Photolog entries needed to receive the appropriate free membership extensions. |
| | Footiemap Supporters certainly may refer people to sign up or add Photolog entries, but they cannot participate in the contests due to already having free memberships. |
| | If we see anyone abusing either campaign, at the least we will remove their ability to participate, and depending on the circumstances we may decide to terminate their membership. |
| | Footiemap.com staff will monitor the contests. If necessary, at our sole discretion, we will make adjustments to individual member referrals or Photolog entry tallies. This will only be done in the events of abuse or other inappropriate actions by the member as outlined previously. |
After the completion of the contests:
| | The web site will stop updating member tallies for this current reward period. |
| | If we decide to nullify the results of a member due to abuse, and they are in the top 3 places of a contest, we will remove them from their spot and bump up members in order to fill the top 3 places. Note that if this occurs, the minimum requirement of 10 referrals/Photolog entries still holds true. |
| | If there are any ties between member tallies, the tie-breaker goes to the member who has been a member longer. |
| | We will sort out the results and award extensions to the appropriate members. |
| | All members will have their current reward period tallies reset to zero (their overall tallies will always remain). |
| | Depending on the success of the contests, we'll make a decision on whether to run them again and for how long. |
As always, our Terms of Use is in effect, even for these campaigns.
NOTE: The Tell Others and Photolog features have been part of this web site since its inception. They will continue to be on the web site after the contests finish. The contests are just making use of these pages.