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Why this site is slow
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From the start, we've warned people this web site isn't for the faint of heart. Believe it or not, our goal (no pun intended) has never been to create web pages that load super fast in your browser. As a matter of fact, that hasn't even been an important criteria for us. Any joker can create fast-loading web pages. On the contrary, we have always had a consistent goal to push the limits of your browser by shoving massive country maps down its throat.

Okay, sometimes we may push the limits of your patience too! We understand. We have made strides on speeding up page loads. Also, there are some things you can do to get the best performance from this web site. Sure, getting a 60Mbps Internet pipe would be ideal but aside from that you could sign up then become a Premier member or Footiemap Supporter, and then the banner ads won't show on the web site, thus increasing page load speed. Also, you could access our "speed up" page (only available to Premier members and Footiemap Supporters) which will load all country map images on the web site into your browser's cache.

It is important to note that we have seen significant differences between browsers and how slow or fast they load pages with massive maps on the web site. It looks like you are currently running the CCBot/2.0 ( browser. We've done benchmarking tests with the web site and the clear winner in terms of speed is Google Chrome. Give it a try, it's free. Also, FireFox, Opera, and Safari are great browsers. An interesting browser is Lunascape, which has the ability to use three different rendering engines (Internet Explorer, FireFox, and their own developer engine), and it seems to compete on speed very well compared with Google Chrome. We suggest you give these browsers a try to see what works best for you. All are free and you may have better luck with one of them over the others.

In any case we hope you enjoy this site. Oh, and before getting too down about the slow page loads, remind yourself that you are experiencing the very best football stadium mapping web site the Internet has to offer. That should no doubt cheer you up. If you have any questions or rants, please let us know.