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This web site was created out of a love for the game of football. It was created as a result of our passion, and we truly hope other passionate football fans enjoy it and find it useful. This web site took a tremendous amount of time and effort to create, and continues to require a lot of time and effort to maintain. While we are here today and we hope to be here many tomorrows, nothing is guaranteed. Please consider ways to help support and keep this site alive. Don't count on the next person, but instead we ask that you step up and make a difference.

Below are some ways you can help contribute to the success of this web site:
  Sign up for a FREE lifetime membership. Seriously, do you really need to take more than two seconds to think about this?
  Become a Footiemap Supporter. The wealth of information on this web site doesn't maintain itself. We need help. It is a lot of work, but it is extremely satisfying work. Read more on our F.A.Q. page.
  Upgrade to a Premier membership. It adds US$5 to our coffers and gives you improved membership access.
  Donate. It costs money to run this web site and we welcome any support you can give. If you can give a small monetary contribution to assist us in keeping this web site going, we would be most grateful. We accept donations via PayPal. All payments are 100% secure. Please click on the Donate button at the very bottom of this page.
  This one's easy yet very helpful. Simply click on the banner ads or links in the Links menu as you browse around the site. Visiting our advertisers brings us revenue.
  Tell others about us. Call your friends, knock on doors, yell from mountain tops, it's all good. We have a form you can use to help you spread the word. But on a serious note, please don't spam anyone.
  Help with marketing/promotion of Do you have contacts in the footballing community, where you can help us spread the word about Let us know and we can reimburse you for your efforts, possibly giving you a free Premier membership for a period of time.
  Buy advertisements on We offer homepage text, links, and banner ads.
  Link to in your blog or web site. Do you have a blog or web site where you could write a glowing review of, and/or include a link to us? Let us know and we can work out a cross-link arrangement or give you a free Premier membership for a period of time.
  Help with creation of YouTube / Google Video of Do you have video editing or Flash skills? We could use your help in getting videos created about, including tutorial videos on web site usage. Why do I bring this up? Oh, I don't know (hint: check out the video I made about the site). Let us know if you are interested in helping out and we can reimburse you for your efforts, possibly giving you a free Premier membership for a period of time.
  Add photos and exciting memories about your visits to your favorite stadiums, etc., on our Photolog page.
  Give us feedback about this web site, including suggestions for improvement. We truly value your feedback and we always respond. Some new features have been added to the site due to suggestions.
  Hey, we may be awesome but we're not perfect. Notify us if our information is ever inaccurate or out-dated. Also, let us know if a club changes stadiums, has a new club crest, or other club information changes.
  Participate in a Campaign. Campaigns are fun competitions in which you can compete on the web site. The top 3 finishers gain rewards, where originally they won free extensions to their memberships. Hmmmm, now that we have FREE memberships, we'll have to rethink this one! Anyways, check out our previous campaigns. These are not currently active, but if there is enough interest, we'll get another one kicked off.
  Proudly wave a banner at football matches, preferably televized matches. Now this would be a fun one.
  What else have we forgot?