* Last updated 18-Feb-2009 |
By using this web site, you agree to and are bound by these terms: |
| | You will not steal our code, concept, idea, images, or layout (or anything else for that matter). |
| | You will not hold us liable for anything bad that may happen to you (as unlikely as it may be), either directly or indirectly, as a result of using this web site. |
| | This web site should not be used to setup travel to stadiums. It is an excellent reference point, but for travel arrangements, please obtain travel directions from official club web sites and/or reputable travel organization web sites. |
| | This web site is not in control of, and therefore is not responsible for the banner ads which are displayed, nor for the content of external web sites. |
If you sign up for an account with us: |
| | We will create you an account which you can log into and manage your preferences. |
| | You only have an account, you don't actually have any ownership or stake in Footiemap.com. |
| | Currently we are offering FREE lifetime Standard memberships, with an option to upgrade to Premier memberships. |
| | If you are a Footiemap Supporter or have a Premier membership, when you log into your account and navigate around the web site, you will not see any banner ads (an additional benefit of this is that consequently the pages throughout the web site, especially the mapping pages, load much much quicker). |
| | You have the ability to seamlessly upgrade your account to a Footiemap Supporter (read more about this on the F.A.Q. page). |
| | You will receive special offers from a merchandising site we've teamed up with. |
| | You will have the ability to see Beta enhancements before they are activated on the web site. These enhancements include new countries in the works, new seasons being added, or new features or functionality. |
| | Footiemap.com, at our sole discretion, has the right to either offer or deny accounts to anyone for any reason, and has the right to remove anyone's account from the web site at any time without prior warning. If such a situation occurs, we are reasonable people and while we will not promise anything, we will be as fair as possible. |
| | If we determine that anyone abuses their account or misuses the web site (including but not limited to spamming others in an attempt to get them to sign up, attempts at hacking the site or stealing anything, signing up multiple times for free memberships, or providing false information during sign up), we likely will either suspend or terminate their account. The remedy is solely at our discretion. If any illegal activity occurred, we will report the activity to the appropriate authorities. |
| | If we email you at the email address you have provided in your account and we do not get a response within a reasonable amount of time (for instance no response after a week), this likely means an invalid email address was given to us and therefore we will either suspend or terminate the account. We are reasonable with this, as certainly people are away from their computers for lengths of time. But certainly in a scenario where someone has just signed up, we email them requesting a response, and we do not get a response, we will deem this as providing false information. Again, we stress that if you use a spam blocking system, make sure to whitelist *@footiemap.com so you can receive correspondence from us. |
| | At any one time we may be offering one or more promotions for registering with the web site. We have sole discretion as to whether any such promotions are in effect, their value in terms of length of free or subsidized membership, their effective dates, and every aspect of them. Note that because of timing, it is possible that you could register using one promotion code, but another code could possibly also be in effect at that same time. The other code could offer more incentives, or vice versa. When you sign up and enter your code, this cannot be changed until you renew your account. |
| | Never give out your username and password to anyone, as that would allow someone else to gain full access to your profile. |
Disclaimers of warranties and limitations of remedies:
We endeavor to provide accurate and up-to-date information on this web site. However, information presented on this web site is not guaranteed to be accurate, rather it is presented as our best effort and we continuously work diligently to strive for complete accuracy. The entire web site is provided to you on an "as is" basis, and any use of this web site is entirely at your own risk. Warning: You may become addicted to this web site. We make no representations or warranties, express or implied with respect to this web site or its operation. WE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. In no event, including but not limited to negligence, shall Footiemap.com be liable for any damages, including consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use this web site.
All club crest images and club information shown on this web site are the property of their respective football/soccer clubs. All league logos, cup logos, confederation logos, and FIFA World Cup logos are copyright of their respective owners. In no way, neither explicitly nor implicitly, do we intend to claim ownership of any club-related information or copyrighted images on this web site. Most maps used on this web site are © Google, and some are © Bing.
Note that from time to time and without prior notice, we may modify our Terms of Use as outlined herein. Therefore, we recommend that you periodically check this page for updates. As updates occur, you need to make yourself aware of the changes as you are bound by them. You should always be able to read this Terms of Use at the following address: https://www.footiemap.com/about/termsofuse.php.